To help our visitors choose the best product and then buy it at the right store.
We offer a search service that is directly connected to a large number of stores' product databases in Europe. We also link these products with tests, reviews and trend data.
Our typical user is a visitor who carefully selects the most suitable products for their own needs for the best price and most convenient delivery method.
We help our visitors to avoid buying products they’ll later regret. If you use when shopping online, you can be sure that the recommended product or brand that is popular, manufactured by an established company and offered at the best price.
The team behind has been creating market-leading consumer services in the Swedish market since the mid-1990s.
We were the pioneers in online buying guides with the Swedish site back in 2012. As online shopping in Europe has grown, it’s becoming more of a challenge for Swedish consumers to stay up to date on the best products and stores. Today, it can be difficult to find out if the store operates in the domestic market, Europe or even Asia. This can have major consequences for delivery times and the final price because of taxes and customs duties. That’s why we now want to expand's business model in the European market via our platform Tobuy.
Do you read a lot, but want to avoid carrying around heavy books? With a handy eReader, you save both time and energy, and at the same time have access to an almost unlimited library.
Our top choices:
Our best choice: Kobo Libra 2
Popular: Amazon Kindle Oasis
Good choice: Kobo Clara HD
Great value: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
Scores - reviews Stock status - delivery time Delivery method Payment method and price
If you are looking for a more convenient way of reading e-books, an E-reader is the best choice. In this guide we help you find the right model that fits your needs. At first you might think that a tablet can work just as well as an E-reader. But this is not the case since an E-reader is thinner and weighs less. You can easily take it with you, either in your pocket or in your bag. Most E-readers measure five to seven inches, while a normal tablet measures eight inches.
The size of the screen is an important factor since you need a screen that is comfortable to use for a long period. Most screens measure between five and nine inches. Remember that the bigger the screen the heavier the E-reader gets, so pick a model that feels comfortable in your hands.
Normal E-reader have a built-in harddrive of at least four gigabytes or up to 30 gigabytes. How much do you need? One gigabyte gives you about 1000 books and if you only read books only a few gigabytes should be more than enough. If you want to be able to store pictures and videos we recommend that you choose as much storage as possible.
E-readers normally support either wi-fi or both wi-fi and cellular. If it supports wi-fi it means that you only can connect if there is a wireless connection nearby. If it has support for cellular you can insert a SIM-card. This means you can always connect no matter where you are.
An important detail when choosing an E-reader is the battery life. Remember that the battery drains faster if you watch videos than if you read e-books.
4 manufacturers. Click on one of the pictures to see more of the manufacturer's products and where to buy them.
The ratings above are an average rating of user reviews and ratings from one or more sources. Click the button to get to the source and read the reviews. Always read product reviews with a critical eye.